
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Face of Islam Part V: bin Laden Followers Attack Muslims in Saudi Arabia. The bin Laden and al Zarqawi war against muslims continued today with an attack against muslims in Saudi Arabia. bin Laden and al Zarqawi are now murdering muslims in at least two middle eastern nations. They're murdering as many muslims as they can, as fast as they can and try to convince the world that it's America that is a threat to Islam. The Arab world and Islamic clerics appear to approve of this slaughter of muslims and support the expansion of the bin Laden war against Islam to more countries. Apparently no muslim is safe from bin Laden and al Zarqawi.

Today's question for Arabs and Islamic clerics- how much longer can you claim that Americans are a threat to muslims when you allow two apostates (bin Laden and al Zarqawi) to slaughter muslims with impunity?

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The Face of Islam Part IV: Zarqawi Apostates On Bloody Rampage in Iraq. Murderous followers of Apostate al Zarqawi in Iraq martyred 12 more innoncent Iraqi muslims in Tikrit today. The Islamic world looked on as these muslims were murdered in Allah's name.

A question for the Islamic world: Is Islam a cult of murder and bloodlust or is it a peaceful religion that has been hijacked by Apostates bin Laden and al Zarqawi? It is quite clear that bin Laden and al Zarqawi have abandoned true Islam and, acting in the name of Islam continue a murder spree against muslims. The remaining question for Islamic clerics is whether they will allow these two apostates to fully destroy what's left of Islam? Will the Arab world stand by while bin Laden and al Zarqawi pretend to be muslims and continue to murder true muslims in Iraq? If so, we are watching the end of Islam.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Face of Islam Part III: al Zarqawi's Slaughter of Muslims Continues. Apostate al Zarqawi continues slaughtering Muslims in Iraq. He is supposedly slaughtering Muslims to curry favor with the biggest apostate of all- Usama bin Laden.

There can be no doubt that both bin Laden and al Zarqawi are apostates who, through this misguided, self-defined "jihad" will destroy Islam if they are not stopped by true Muslims. They are justifying the slaughter of innocent Muslims who seek to do nothing but lead good Islamic lives on the basis of the misguided belief that by killing Muslims, they can defeat Infidels. This twisted logic reveals that the "jihad" waged by bin Laden and al Zarqawi is more to elevate their own stature on the world stage than it is in any way in defense of Islam.

bin Laden and al Zarqawi have turned their backs on mulsims and are destroying Islam. Muslim clerics throughout the Islamic world do not seem to care.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

The Face of Islam Part II: It seems more and more evident that apostates are in the process of seizing control of Islam and are busy at work murdering Muslims in Iraq. Murderous cult-like apostates who still claim to be Muslims are murdering innocent Muslims in Iraq at a horrendous rate while the Arab world looks on silently. The leadership of the Arab world and clerics throughout the Islamic world are quietly surrendering Islam to these apostates who follow bin Laden and al Zarqawi.
The world may be watching the end of Islam as a major force in the world as the apostates in Iraq destroy the name of Islam and the respect once due it's proud history. The question for the Arab world is this- will you stand idly by while these apostates continue their slaughter of Muslims and destroy both the legacy and future of Islam?

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