
Saturday, October 28, 2006

Madonna vs. The Gonzales'- The Lesson We Learned: We have learned alot from Madonna's purchase of a child and we can use the Elian Gonzales story to understand the lesson.

Madonna is being somewhat praised because she is rich enough to take a child out of poverty, bring him to the United States, and adopt him, all while the father is confused and doesn't even understand what's going on. Madonna is rich and elite, so it's okay.

Elian Gonzales' mother died to get him out of an impoverished, totalitarian country so he could live and grow up in freedom. Elian was with FAMILY in Florida. Family that wanted to adopt him and raise him in a good life according to the wishes of his deceased mother. But Bill Clinton and Janet Reno HAD to invade their home in the middle of the night, rip Elian out of the family's arms and send him back to the communist state of Cuba because the "rights of the father" trumped the wish of the mother that Elian grow up free and and in a far better economical standard of living.

The lesson: If the Gonzales family had been rich, they could have purchased Elian from Cuba and the Clinton Administration probably wouldn't have cared.

Monday, October 09, 2006

North Korean Nuclear Test: Looks like the nuclear technology Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter gave North Korea works. Another piece of evidence that those two ex-presidents did far more to improve the military capabilities of our adversaries than they did to improve our own. Thank you Democrats!

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