
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Okay, Where Are They?: I'm looking... I'm searching... I'm not seeing.

I checked CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, and Fox News. Nothing.

I checked the Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and the San Francisco Chronicle. Zip.

Where the HELL are the anti-war protests? Seems like four days after the Russians invaded the souvereign state of Georgia, the anti-war protests would be all over the news! Russian embassies and consulates should be under siege by mobs of angry anti-warriors!

Where are the "No Blood for Georgian Oil" banners?

Where are the "Out of Georgia NOW!" signs?

Where are the marches and die-ins?

Oh, wait. I guess those things only happen when the U.S. removes a murderous, blood-thirsty dictator that slaughtered Kurds with chemical weapons and Shiite Muslims with his Sunni army. Only when the U.S. deposes a thug that attacks Kuwait and Iran and threatens Saudi Arabia. Anti-war protests are only apparently appropriate when the U.S. eliminates a tyrant and his two murderous sons who raped, tortured, and murdered women for fun!

Yep. It's apparently totally cool with the anti-war crowd if Russia crushes a democratic form of government. Guess that means that war can be okay once in a while as long as it's by a country the anti-war crowd likes.....

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