
Tuesday, October 28, 2003

The World: Saddam Hussein signed a cease fire in 1991 saying that he understood that if he violated the terms of the agreement, DESERT STORM would resume and he would be subject to attack; the world agreed and applauded.

Saddam Hussein began a murder spree against Muslims in southeastern Iraq and the world was stunned.

The U.S. and a couple allies imposed the southern No Fly Zone to stop Hussein from Murdering Muslims and the world reaction was mixed. Some even said the U.S. had no right to do that.

Saddam Hussein began murdering Kurds in northern Iraq and even used chemical weapons against some and the world hardly noticed.

The U.S. and a couple allies imposed the northern No Fly Zone to stop Hussein from murdering Kurds and the world was silent.

Saddam Hussein opened prisons- for children! And the world didn’t see.

Saddam Hussein and his sons tortured Iraqis, Arabs, and Muslims for fun and entertainment. And the world ignored them.

Saddam Hussein and his generals murdered Iraqis, Arabs, and Muslims to keep the population “in line”. And again, the world ignored them.

Saddam Hussein played a game of cat and mouse with U.N. Weapons inspectors for almost 7 years before both sides eventually gave up and the inspectors were pulled out of Iraq. The world was indignant, but not inclined to act.

Saddam Hussein fired hundreds of times on U.S. and British aircraft enforcing the No Fly Zones, protecting Muslims and Kurds. The world didn’t care.

Saddam Hussein funded those who murdered Israeli’s through terrorism. The world really didn’t care about that!

Saddam Hussein operated terrorist training camps to help murderous cowards get very good at killing innocent men, women, and children. The world looked the other way.

Saddam Hussein looted his own Oil For Food program and built huge, luxurious palaces while paying many in the world to look the other way.

Saddam Hussein built and fielded missiles that were in violation of the U.N. resolutions that halted DESERT STORM. The world yawned.

Saddam Hussein continued his pursuit and development of Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Weapons. And the world was happily blind.

Saddam Hussein made a stockpile of known Chemical weapons that even the U.N. acknowledged disappear with no record. The world slept.

The U.S. said enough is enough, his time has run out. 12 years, the U.S. said, is more than enough time and chances for Hussein to come into compliance or prove his compliance. And the world was suddenly indignant.

The U.S. decided that if the U.N. was to remain relevant, it had to back up its own resolutions, even if it is with force. And the world was annoyed.

The U.S. gave Hussein a deadline, and the world was angry- 12 years was not enough time to comply with 1991 cease-fire agreements! The world demanded more time!

The U.S. and a few allies (not France, Germany, or Belgium) toppled Saddam Hussein and removed the murderous tyrant, his sons, and their regime from power. And the world was outraged.

The people of Iraq were freed from their political prisons and the torture chambers were put out of business. And the world was hysterical.

The U.S. and a few allies went about setting up order and peace in Iraq. And the world turned its back.

The Iraqi’s went back to work, to school, to building a government and opening hospitals. And the world was indignant.

And the murderers came, those who would rather see Iraqi’s dead than free. And the world turned their back.

The cowards attacked and killed Americans, Iraqi’s, and U.N. and Red Cross personnel. And the world said “that’ll show the Americans!”

And the U.S. went about the business of hunting down the cowards and murderers while the Iraqi’s went about rebuilding a new, free Iraq. And the world walked away in disgust.

Sunday, October 26, 2003

It's time:. It's time for the U.S. media to stop acting as a subsidiary of Al-Jazeera, spreading the message of fear and distrust of the U.S. Administration around the world. It's time for the U.S. media to stop encouraging attacks against U.S. soldiers by giving the murderers the publicity they seek.

It's time for the Democrat party in the U.S. to stop giving aid and comfort to those murderers who would kill U.S. soldiers and innocent Iraqi civilians. Democrats will deny this- they live in denial- but every time they go on television and accuse the President of lying or misleading the country and world, they encourage the murderers to attack more Americans. We know that those in the Middle East who hate the U.S. have educated themselves on lessons from Vietnam, Beirut, and Somalia and eagerly pursue that magic number of deaths at which the U.S. population can be convinced it's not worth it to stay. They are thus encouraged by the Ted Kennedy's, the Nancy Pelosi's, and the Howard Dean's of the world who sew the seeds of doubt among Americans. The lesson they took from Vietnam, Beirut, and Somalia was kill enough Americans and the Americans will tuck their tails and run. The Kennedy/Pelosi/Dean bunch continue to give them this hope and, therefore, the reason to keep killing Americans.

It's time for the Democrat candidates to remember they are Americans and not French. They should be suggesting plans of their own or alternatives to Bush policy rather than just gratuitously bash the President. Sitting on the side of the War on Terror and throwing rocks at Bush puts them in company with the French and any number of countries in the U.N that work against U.S. interests. Democrats, it's time to come home to America.

It's time for the Democrat Party and the world media to understand that the U.N. is a failure and that no good can come from hitching our wagon to an organization that puts Libya, Syria, Iraq (pre-war), and Iran in charge of committees with responsibilities to the civilized world.

It's time for the major U.S. media to stop harassing the Bush Administration and START harassing those governments that give aid and support to the bin Laden's, Hussein's, and Arafat's of the world. Instead of chasing the paper trail on a leak about CIA agents, their time would be better spent chasing the cash from the failed U.N. Oil for Food Program.

It's time for the Democrats in the Senate to cease their war on minorities. For years now, dating back to Justice Clarence Thomas, the Democrats have actively engaged in a war of character assassination against minority appointment to the bench when they are nominated by Republicans. The latest victim was Miguel Estrada and the next is apparently an African American woman named Janice Rogers Brown. The Democrat Party has become the roadblock to high level appointments for minorities and it's time to STOP!

It's time for the Republicans to fund a television mini-series about former President Bill Clinton. Cast Newt Gingrich as Bill Clinton and Ann Coulter as Hillary. Okay, that one is just for fun, but you get the point.

It's time for everyone to remember we are at war. Beirut was a warning to us and we missed it. The first World Trade Center attack was an opening battle in the war and we missed it. Somalia (Blackhawk Down) was a battle in the war and we missed it. Kohbar Towers was a battle and we missed it. The attack on the U.S.S. Cole was a battle in the war and we missed it. 9-11 was an unambiguous attack that escalated the war to a level we could no longer ignore. A group of murderous thugs have hijacked the name of a religion and in that name have declared war on not just the United States, but on all countries that share and respect western values.

They don't hate us because of our position on Israel- that's an excuse that even Arafat has rejected. They don't hate us because of perceived intolerance of Islam, or persecution of Muslims. They hate us because the U.S. and our western allies are the roadblock to their ultimate goal of a world governed and dominated by strict totalitarianism rule. They hate us because we provide hope for individual freedom including the freedom to reject extreme, Wahabbi totalitarianism.

As long as we are "in the way", and as long as we provide freedom and modernity for the world, we- along with our western allies- will be under attack unless we win this war and defeat these hateful murderers. It's time to acknowledge that deep down inside we know this. Our existence as a free nation where individuals are allowed to pursue individually defined happiness and success is a threat to the very existence of the cowards who murder women and children under twisted belief that it’s better for them to be dead than free; that it’s somehow “honorable” for innocents to die to advance their demented cause. No it’s not- it’s murder and it’s cowardice. It's time for us to unite and behave as a nation at war with a common enemy and work together to defeat that enemy. It's time.

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