
Monday, March 03, 2008

Military Advisers; Hillary's vs. Barack's: On Hillary's side, we see ex-General Wesley Clark as a senior advisor for military matters. On Barack's side we see ex-General "Tony" Merrill McPeak.

Ex-General Clark: Led the NATO effort during Kosovo. Almost broke NATO. As interested in attacking the Russians as in defeating the Serbs. Had no plan for what to do after the first five days of the "air war" failed to drive the Serbs out of Kosovo. Finally had to threaten a ground invasion even though he had no plan to do it nor any troops prepared or positioned to do it. Wrote an autobiography that was strangely reminiscent of Forest Gump.

Ex-General McPeak: Broke the Air Force. Destroyed Air Force intelligence. Drove most Air Force intelligence officers out of the service. Claims to fame include mandating v-neck t-shirts for male service members, institution of "TQM", eliminated Air Force Regulations (AFR's) based on TQM and instituted "Air Force Instructions". Investigated as Commander of Pacific Air Forces for misappropriation of funds.

Yep, some quality advisin' going on in the Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama camps!

(Thanks again to Sandpaper for the Soul)

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The 3:00AM Phone Call: The phone rings at the White House at 3:00AM. Who do you want answering it? Hillary has been tested and is ready to lead. Let us reflect:

Announcer: It's 3:00AM.

Phone: Ring Ring. Ring Ring.

Hillary: Bill?

Phone: Ring Ring.

Hillary: Bill?

Scene: Hillary getting out of bed and going down the hall

Phone: Ring Ring

Scene: Hillary entering the West Wing

Hillary (yelling): Bill!

Phone: Ring Ring.

Scene: Hillary entering the Oval Office

Hillary (screaming): BILL!

Monica: Shhhhhhhhh

Sound effect: bumping and thumping sounds under the desk. Chair squeaking.

Phone: Ring Ring.

Bill: Damn it, hurry up

Hillary: Damn it Bill...

Phone: Ring Ring.

Monica (whispering): Damn it, you ruined my brand new blue dress!

Phone: Ring Ring.

Bill: Damn it.

Phone: Ring Ring.

Hillary: Damn it Bill, zip up and answer the stupid phone. I am sooooo sick of this....

This has been an unpaid political statement.

(With thanks to Sandpaper for the Soul)

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